How Do I Prepare My Child For A Dental Filling?

Dental fillings can be scary even for adults, so it’s not really surprising if your little one is feeling a bit anxious.

Not to worry, however. This short blog post lays out the steps to help your child face a dental filling successfully!

Is a Dental Filling Truly Necessary?

Dental fillings play a huge role in restorative dentistry. They are used to both reconstruct a tooth and protect it against damage, usually caused by a cavity.

Even if your child only has their baby teeth, dental fillings are still necessary. It’s crucial to prevent premature tooth loss, as primary teeth keep the space for adult teeth. If a child’s baby tooth is damaged or falls out too early, your pediatric dentist may recommend a space maintainer.

Though effective, space maintainers can be a little more tricky to care for. But with a filling, all you have to do is brush and floss your child’s teeth!

5 Steps to Prepare Your Child for a Dental Filling

Here’s what to do if your child needs a dental filling:

1. Talk to your pediatric dentist 

Talk to the child’s dentist about your child’s needs and if they require any special accommodations, such as sedation. Be sure to ask all your questions so you can fully understand the process.

2. Explain the process to your child 

Once you get all the details, explain to your child what’s about to happen. Tell them that a filling will help repair and strengthen their tooth.

You can also watch educational videos and cartoons online that explain fillings for children. Let them ask any questions, and reassure them with your answers. 

3. Stress that they’re not being punished

Some kids may think going to the dentist is a form of punishment or that it’s their fault their teeth are unhealthy. Reassure them that this isn’t the case. It may also help to share your own experiences with the dentist and get fillings.

4. Bring a comfort toy or object

Their favorite toy or blanket can help soothe them and keep them calm during the appointment. Be sure to take it with you.

5. Plan a fun activity after

Give your child something to look forward to after the appointment is over, like getting ice cream or going to the park. This way, the day isn’t about the filling, but something fun they’re going to do after.

Does Your Little One Need a Filling?

If you noticed your child has a cavity and might need a filling, Dr. Ian Marion is a board-certified pediatric dentist who can help restore the little one’s oral health and show them there’s nothing to fear when getting a filling!

Schedule a visit to The Spot for Smiles in Folsom online and stop by with your child to learn more.

For more information, call us at 530-263-2454 today!

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